Kid Bikes for $5
Got a lonely bike in your garage or basement yearning for a Rider? We can help!
Bring donations of kid and teen sized bikes in good working order, clean and ready to ride, to the Library on Thursday the 26th from 5-7pm or Saturday the 28th from 12-1pm. If your donation is not sold you’ll be asked to pick it up within the week, during library hours. Bikes will be available on a first-come first-served basis for $5 each. Proceeds will support our Free Helmet Program.
Mighty Tweed Bike Rodeo Saturday May 28th from 1 to 3pm
* Maintenance Station learn to grease your chain, check your tire pressure and make sure your ride is ready to roll.
* Helmet Station we’ll adjust your helmet for a proper fit, or supply you with a FREE NEW HELMET (while supplies last.)
* Bike Safety Course where you can practice handling your bike around obstacles and brush up on hand signals.
* Mountain Bike Skills Course where you’ll learn how to handle your bike on the trail.
* Bike and Helmet Decorating Station where you can pimp out your ride for the Pittsfield Historical Society’s Memorial Day Parade on Monday at 9am.
* White River Valley Ambulance will come by for a visit so you can check out the ambulance and collect a goodie bag with safety tips.
Sysco has donated ICE CREAM and we’ll have snacks and water available to keep you fueled.
This event will be canceled if it is raining cats and dogs.
Parents - We always like to remind you that you are responsible for your child while they attend all Library programs, even if you choose to leave the venue area.