A Message for Parents
Children of all ages are welcome to attend our
programs. However, children 2nd grade and younger require a parent present. Parents are encouraged to accompany an older child who may benefit from your guidance.
Parents are responsible for their children while they are at the library or attending library programs, including when the child is dropped off by bus, or when the parent chooses to leave the building or program site.
Programs start at 3:45 and end promptly at 5pm when the library closes.
Library volunteers giving the programs will escort the children to and from the Town Hall at the beginning and end of each program. Children are asked to stay in the Town Hall during the program.

Mardi Gras Madness
Feathers, sequins, glitter, you name it! Come celebrate Fat Tuesday! Mask making, Cajun music and the King's Cake.
March 10
The Japanese Art of Origami
Jennifer Birch will help us fold our way to a wearable Samurai hat that we will paint to make uniquely our own.
March 17
Pittsfield's Pot o' Gold
Imagine a huge rainbow of hands, and at the end, a pot filled with "Gold" from our very own community.
March 24
Scheren Schnitte
Edie Johnstone is back with the German art form Scheren Schnitte. Literally translated that means... well, come join us and find out!
Eunice Cooks
Join Maggie, Alex and Charlie's Mom as she helps us whip up some secret ingredients in the kitchen. Yum!
April 7
Firehouse Field Trip
Pittsfield's finest firefighters have promised an afternoon of fun. We'll walk to and from the firehouse as a group.
NEW! For 5th and 6th Graders...
Once we get a handle on spring sport schedules and the end of ski season, we'll be offering a few programs just for the older kids. Visit the website to get added to our email list, the quickest way to find out about library happenings.