Join us for this winter's only:
Cabin fever GAME NIGHT party and Pot Luck dinner.
All ages welcome.
Bring games and food to share.
Friday February 6th from 5 to 8pm.
Pittsfield Town Hall.
Our monthly meeting has been rescheduled. The Pittsfield’s Roger Clark Memorial Library wants to announce a new option for enjoying books. In conjunction with the Green Mountain Library Consortium we are now able to offer audio books that you can download either at the library or from your own home computer. There are many books in fiction, non-fiction, historical, kids and teens to choose from. With this option Pittsfield’s library is open 24/7! Our new volunteer Traci is hard at work with Angelique and others lining up another series of after school programs. We plan to start up again February 24th. In the meantime stop by and see all the new titles added to the shelves during our volunteer work day last week, or stop in and find out about our new downloadable audio book program "Listen Up Vermont." Our all volunteer staff will be there during open hours Tuesdays 3 to 5pm and Thursday 5 to 7pm We need help. Kids programming planning meeting is set for this THURSDAY January 8th at 6:30pm at the library. (Okay to bring kids) Our "Night before the night before Christmas" party at Roger Clark Memorial Library was great success, thanks everyone who showed up. 22 kids in PJs, and a bunch of parents, listened to "The Night Before Christmas," "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer," then watched "The Polar Express." |
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We're open! Come in and see YOUR library.
HOURS Tues 10am-6pm Thurs 2pm-7:30pm Sat 9am-12:30pm Library Hours
Upcoming ProgramsListed at bottom of our Home Page
Audio Book Downloads
Available 24 / 7 through Listen Up Vermont using your library card number. Library News Archive
January 2024