Karen sent out her “March Sadness” plea for library volunteers, and several folks have stepped up and taken shifts. Please visit our sign up page
to sign up for volunteer shifts. Another Thank You - Board Members
After four active years on our Library Board Traci Templeton has stepped down. We are grateful for her energy and creativity, Traci organized many of our after school visual arts programs and our amazing Mighty Tweed Bike Rodeo. We are pleased that she plans to continue to be an active volunteer. Erica Hurd has stepped in to finish out Traci's term, welcome aboard Erica. Although new to the board Erica joined our team with a bang last spring, coordinating a summer reading program with volunteer Heather Harvey and spearheading our library cook book fund raiser. Board member Karen Waterworth was elected to her second term at Town Meeting. I personally am very grateful to Karen for taking my position as volunteer coordinator.
Cook Books! - Order Yours now
So many members of our community submitted recipes to our Roger Clark Memorial Library Community Cook Book! This is going to be a fantastic little book. Thank you to to the local businesses who purchased ads, and an extra special thanks to volunteers Erica Hurd and Sharon Mayer for doing all the hard work entering each of those recipes and ads for publication. We are collecting orders now. Cook books will cost $18 each. Drop off or mail your check to the library and be sure to include a note with your name, the number of cook books you’d like, and a contact e mail. We will let you know when they are ready for pick up at the library (sometime mid April.) Mail orders to RCML Po Box 743 Pittsfield, Vermont 05762
Your Part - Work Evening!
We are scheduling a long overdue work evening at the library. Please join us. NO SKILLS are required. We need your help to continue to serve our community, this is a great easy way to contribute. We've set up a special sign up page
. Can’t make it for the whole time, that’s ok, even an hour helps. Can’t make it at all that evening? Maybe you could share a snack? Fund Raising Party!
Keep your ears to the ground. So far every one of our fund raising parties has sold out. Our last fund raiser, the epic pig kissing party, never happened .... some show stealing "Irene" took the day over. But planning for our next party is under way, and we'll have details soon. If you are interested in helping with planning, let Marion know.
Download Audio Books & e Books
Did you know your RCML library card gives you access to free downloadable e books and audio books? Visit listenupvermont.org , select our library from the list, and enter you library card number.
Please help us keep this important community resource alive and well. Stop in to borrow a book or one of our over 250 DVDs, follow us on Facebook, share this e mail, and give an hour or two of your time to make our town a little better.