Thank you Heather & Erica for a fantastic summer reading series!
Weeks 4 & 5 “Dig Into Reading” Recap Week 4 July 16 “Underground Animals”
The RCML Reading Crew read stories about underground animals and root vegetables. We made puppets and book marks. The Crew also snacked on some root vegetables. (Carrots, Golden Beets, Yams, Yukon Gold Potatoes, Beets, and Vidalia Onions) They had to identify what they were eating by looking at the basket of full sized examples. At one point they thought they were eating carrots and soon discovered through taste the difference between yams and car- rots. When asked their favorites the top two were carrots and Vidalia onions. Shredded raw root vegetables rock as a salad topper or sauté which is what Erica did after the program for dinner. Week 5 July 23 “Up, Down All Around” The RCML Reading Crew snacked on apples and lemonade ice tea and was intro- duced to yoga through two great books, ”The ABC’s of Yoga For Kids” by Teresa Anne Powers and “The Yoga Game” by Kathye Belieau. The definition of yoga is “union of breath, body and mind.” Heather is very passionate about the benefits for children who practice yoga techniques including feeling grounded, calm, strong and stable, energy and focus to name a few. The whole “Crew” did a great job with this activity and invented new poses with their new beach balls. (see below) Heather and Erica hope you have found some favorite poses, re- member to breathe and practice them regularly. Namaste ~Erica Hurd Thanks volunteer Dana Decker for organizing and running this program, and thanks to all the Pittsfield teens who turned out to make these beautiful tapestries. Click on the photos to view larger versions.
Thanks you Heather & Erica for the great summer reading program! Get the details on our program page, it's not too late to join the fun. All ages welcome! And thanks Trish at the garden center for the soil.
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