Stop in on February 8, from 11 am until 1 pm to ask any and all tech questions. Jessamyn West will be here to answer! Bring your phone, laptop, smart watch, tablet, ebook or other gizmo and ask away! First come, first served. This is not a class, just a chance to ask an expert your questions. Jessamyn is a librarian who lives in Randolph VT. She has been doing Computer Drop-in Time, helping people learn to use their devices and the internet, for fifteen years. Free, open to all.
Heather will share simple, gentle, properly aligned stretches that anyone can do. Improve balance, reduce stress, improve mental health and sleep, increase flexibility and strength, and learn breathing techniques. No yoga knowledge necessary. Please arrive a few minutes early, wear comfortable clothes, and bring water and a yoga mat if you have one. Mondays, starting 2/3/20, through 3/9/20, 5:30-6:15 pm. Ages 18 and up. Call 746-4067 or email to reserve your space for any or all classes. Free.
Join the Roger Clark Memorial Library Book Club for a discussion of Amy Stewart's fourth Kopp Sisters adventure, Miss Kopp Just Won't Quit. Wednesday, February 12, at 6 pm, at the Clear River Tavern in Pittsfield. Copies available at the Library. We have all books in the series, if you want to catch up!
People Good at Things! What are you good at? Do you have a passion you’d like to share with our community? The Library would like to host community-led groups here! Maybe you paint, or are a fiber artist, or have a cool craft project to share with other local folks. Maybe you know quite a bit about something, and would be willing to talk about it with other community members. We’ve got the space; YOU bring the ideas! Call the Library during open hours, email [email protected], or post on our Facebook page. Looking forward to hearing from you! |
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January 2024