Sunday Halloween Night from 4:30 to 7pm.
Halloween night stop by the Roger Clark memorial Library. We're giving away free books to trick-or-treaters. You can see a sample of our Pittsfield Community Photo Contest calendar while your there and place your order.
Sunday Halloween Night from 4:30 to 7pm.
This year’s Pittsfield Bazaar featured the first ever Pittsfield photo contest. Created by the Roger Clark Memorial Library as a fundraiser, over 40 colorful entries were on display. The winners were determined by popular vote in several categories. A calendar featuring every entry, with the winning entries garnering a large featured placement, will be on sale until November 15th. Orders can be place online HERE. Order forms and a sample calendar are on display at the Library and in the Pittstop on Route 100. For questions call Angelique Lee, 746-9910. photo by John Tomlin The Book Sale and Photo Contest were a huge success thanks to a supportive community and visitors from across the US, who were thrilled to be a part of Pittsfield Bazaar day. The library raised over 430 dollars from the book sale. About 170 ballots were cast in the photo contest. A sample calendar is on order and we will be taking orders soon, for delivery by mid December. A big thank you to all of the folks who stopped by to help our volunteers bring out the books and clean up at the end of the day. There are lots of great photos of the day taken by the Lee family here. |
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