Book hoarders: thank you for keeping our books safe and well read over the last year. Please return books to the library October 13th on our work day. If this date doesn’t work for you, don’t worry, we have a few other return dates coming up.
Even as we are moving back into our library space and cataloging and arranging books, our great community programs are underway. If you trick-or-treat in Pittsfield, please stop by the library on Halloween for a FREE book to KEEP!
We know you love Halloween in Pittsfield. Can you help us make it a little bit more fun for EVERYONE? The Roger Clark Memorial Library is organizing our second annual candy drop. Please drop donations of trick-or-treat candy at the Pitt-Stop convenience store or at the front desk at the Killington Elementary school by October 15th. There will also be a drop at the Stockbridge elementary school. We will divide it up and distribute it among homes that traditionally welcome trick-or-treaters. And don’t forget to stop by the Library building, we’ll be giving free books away!