Newly purchased used oak office desk installed prior to meeting.
Marion to write update for Town Report.
Eunice will provide financial report for Town Report.
Traci offered to collect mail.
Karen to contact Susie and pick up remaining stored library items.
Marion to contact Angelique re: posting availability of used metal office desk, metal shelving and cardboard boxes in Pittsfield Newsletter.
Karen to relieve Marion of organizing volunteer librarian coverage so that she may concentrate on other duties.
Marion reported that Rob Geisler visited on January 8th and suggested RCML investigate using Mandarin Softwar eto catelogue collection as has been done in Brandon and Poultney. he suggested that in February he would be available to provided some guidance.
A trip to Brandon Library or at least a conversation with Brandon staff suggested.
Marion reported that Patty advised Trustees that items in hallway violate fire code. Noted.
Ongoing library layout and book shelving discussed and revised. Updated plan on chalkboard.
Purchases discussed: label maker, closet shelving, tool kit.