Roger Clark Memorial Library
Pittsfield Vermont Meeting Minutes 12/6/12
Old Business
Programs - Ginger Bread & Night Before Night Before Christmas planning
Sign ups are good for the Gingerbread decorating program, new volunteer Dana Decker is coordinating the program. 6:30PM was set as the start time for the Night Before the Night Before Christmas program at the library. We will hold it IN the new library space. Marion will work on borrowing a projector. Eunice will provide Christmas specials.
Drop box - needs roof and location.
Was discussed. We will need carpentry help to add a roof and speak to selectboard about placement. Details to be discussed at next meeting.
Layout - final details review.
The layout of furniture was discussed. Drawing on the chalkboard was updated. The board voted to sell one large metal shelf that will not be used and put money toward books.
New Business
-New Computers are in and need set up.
Marion will contact volunteer Peter Hike to help set up first computer. We need to work with Town office regarding internet connection.
-Cataloging Plan.
Was discussed. It was decided we will 1. Pile books by category (Picture books- both fiction & non-fiction, New readers, Junior Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Jr & YA Non-fiction will be together, adult fiction, adult non-fiction, Biography, Poetry, and Vermont). 2. Books will be shelved by category 3. Books will be cataloged, each cataloged book will get a NEW spine tag that will show that it has been entered on the computer and be color coded by shelving area.
-Set Opening Date
January 8th was chosen as an opening date. We will open even though shelving and cataloging will not be complete. There will be a casual work session on Dec. 13th during the gingerbread program to prep our space for the program on the 23rd.
-Change Meeting Time to Tuesdays?
Meetings will now be held at 6:30pm on the first TUESDAY of the month.
Thank you notes & announcements
Traci will send out thank you notes, Marion will do her best to get names to Traci.
Publicity for programs etc.. word of mouth.
Posters and school newsletters are being used. We would like to find a contact for the Stockbridge elementary school. Eunice is working on that. The importance of word of mouth was discussed.
Debit Card
It was decided that we will not get a debit card, but will set up petty cash for craft and snack type expenses once we open. Eunice will get a lock box.
Park House directory AD.
Was purchased for this year. We will revisit next year to see if the expense makes sense.
LOCATION of Cataloging materials (esp. spine labels & tape) & Printer were discussed. We think they are in the boxes retrieved from Sharon’s.
January goals - to schedule an open house with the Town Office and to organize a first little kids story time in the new space. We want young families involved in the library.