Present: Marion Abrams, Sharon Mayer, Eunice MacDonal-Rice, Traci Templeton, Karen Waterworth
Eunice announces plan to post treasurer's report on Hopes to acquire debit card for use when buying books and is working on an expense report form.
Marion reports that 4 dumpsters were ordered from Casella's for Tropical Storm Irene debris removal. 5 were mistakenly provided. So far, 3 bills have been received from Casella's. Marion has correspondence from Angelique and will shre with Treasurer. Dumpster rental paid for with funds collected by library for Hurricane Irene Relief Fund.
Winter progamming discussed.
Angelique lee had expressed willingness to organize a Gingerbread House Building Program. Time & date to be determined by Angelique.
Marion suggested a second annual Night Before the Night Before Christmas event. On the 23rd of December, of course. Marion will ask Howard Gunter if we might be able to use church foyer for event, Nancy Blessing if she can provide projector, General Store for pizza.
Suggestion made that next meeting be a pot luck with a focus planning the library layout and capital improvements. Marion to get dimensions of new space. Traci will get graph paper.