Trustee Meeting - Google Meet 5/18/21 @ 5:35PM
Present: Cynthia Bryant, Amanda Barrett, Elizabeth (Betty) Warner, Erica Hurd, Coral Hawley
Call meeting to order: 5:38 pm
Changes, Additions, Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
- Erica motioned to approve, Cynthia seconded; motion carried
- April 2021. Betty motioned to approve, Coral seconded; motion carried.
- Park House- Books and girl scout cookies dropped off for new year beginnings.
- Tech Grant - Betty waiting for a proposal from a tech guy on the wifi extender and new computer. Consider exploring how other libraries provide access to technology including office platforms.- Ariel follow up
- Book Club - Potential new member
- Library Report - Ariel
- See email from Ariel
- See email from Ariel
- ILL - set goal of # of ILL before contracting and promotion
- PCC - becoming 501C3- Betty provided updates.
- Sandwich board, Ariel will research possibilities.
Other Lawful Business-none
Next Regular Meeting, June 15th 5:30-6:30.
Betty moved to adjourn at 7:25pm; Coral seconded; meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett, Trustee Secretary