Minutes approved from last meeting and trustees advised by Chair that paper copy of minutes should be made available in library for public access. All agreed greater transparency approprate.
Treasurer's Report, newly formatted and presented by Martha, reviewed and accepted.
Summary as follows:
Mascoma Checking Account
Beginning Balance $10,925.05
Donation + $200.00
Telephone - 40.42
Supplies 34.64
GMLC subscription 200.00
Petty Cash 40.00
Books 130.31
Ending Balance $10,679.68
Jutson CD $ 1,036.70
Petty Cash $ 40.00
Chair report presented and accepted. Erica reported on historical research into RCML structure , policies and financial issues. Business Addressed:
Bank-Marhta and Erica updated banking business, in process of securing debit cards and online banking function. Move made to allow $50 limit on unapproved expenditures by trustees should opportunity occur to purchase something to benefit RCML. Greater expenditures require board approval. Move made to cash in Jutson CD this summer to benefit general fund.
Movie Night- a bust. But trustees agree more should be presented.
Bood Drive to be held Monday, 4/4/16. Publicity requested via email.
Summer Reading Program -2 sign ups from initial publicity. Creation of SignUp Genius tab on Website requested. Sharon & Mrion to add function.
Martha reviewed system for use of petty cash and receipt submission.
Spring Mailer and listed programming reviewed and discussed. Programs clarified. Martha to contact artist re: paint & sip(?) Erica to confirm program with Mark Breen, Pre- Mother's & Father's craft events discussed, & Pop Up Forager program with jason Evans along with Summer Reading Program to be listed on mailer. Formatting discussed and economical trifold mailer planned.
Marion proposed RCML subscribe to EC Fiber Net for the benefit of all patrons. Proposal approved.
Erica reported organizing Easy Readers & Picture Books during a solo work day.
April 19th, work day planned.
Website review and tutorial by Marion to be rescheduled.
Erica suggested each trustee take on a category of book for future culling & maintenance of collection and assignment chosen as follows:
Sharon-young adult
Marion-junior fiction
Erica-easy readers and picture books
Marhta-adult fiction