In attendance: Diane, Betty, Micheline, Kim and Cynthia(google meet).
Meeting started at 5:35pm
- Correction to the agenda: next meeting date is 10/17/23
- The July and August Treasury Report were reviewed and accepted. Format changed slightly. Date will change from 2022 to 2023-2024. The new fiscal year began July 1, 2023.
- Note that the board requested $12,145 from the town but we received $11,445($700 less than asked). We did not know this until the night of the Town Meeting in March.
- $2400 was appropriated for Capital Improvements.
- Betty motioned to accept Treasury report. Kim 2nd.
- A $600 grant was received for ILL which is half the cost. The balance will come from our budget. The treasury report indicates we have $500, so the extra $100 will come from library
- Supplies. Courier Service for ILL will start the first week in October and Diane will mention to patrons who come in that ILL has now become easier to use with less wait time.
- A new policy was written to cover expected and unexpected changing hours of the library. Betty will share that document with us in near futurel
- We will close on 9/30 during the Town Wide Bazaar. The library will extend their hours to 7:00 on 10/31 to hand out books and pencils to children (Halloween event).
- Betty and hopefully one more person can cover the hours as Diane will be unable to work that evening.
- We reviewed Amanda’s documents re HOOPLA at length. Amanda indicated that the cost is $2000 and that she thought she could negotiate downward to $1500. It is understood that these monies are an initial payment into an account that is drawn down as we use content and that those dollars roll over from year to year.
- The board agreed to move forward with hoopla. Betty will contact Amanda to ask her the question about impact of patron number on cost. If that has no impact, she will ask Amanda to negotiate the $1500 cost and move forward making a commitment with $750 coming from our municipal budget and $750 from fund raising dollars and $$750 from fundraising dollars. Ongoing Hoopla expenses will fall under library materials and services in our annual budget.
- The board will continue considering patron use and limits policies including those for non-residents.
- It was noted for clarity that the board cannot roll current budget funds( left over at end of fiscal year) to the next fiscal year. If we don’t use the funds, we lose them. The fundraising monies can roll from year to year.
- Two more bins (exterior only) were painted. We need to come up with a few more painting events to complete.
- Betty has library rugs at her home that are in SAD shape. Does she bring back to cover floors in winter or can we just get rid of them? Board voted to get rid of them.
Meeting adjorned at 6:49pm