Present: Marion Abrams, Susie Martin, Sharon Mayer, Traci Templeton, Karen Waterworth, Angelique Lee
Treasurer's Report:
Regular Checking
$ 232.76 Miscellaneous Expenditures
20.00 Donation
$ 4,267.73 Ending Balance
Vonnage Account
$ 122.57
Giorgetti C.D. $ 10,098.67
Ranney C.D. $ 1,028.38
Jutson C.D. $ 1,000.00
Annual Fundraising Dinner Update:
63 reservations reported. Sring Peepers to provide one hour of family entertainment. Traci to get tickets for 50/500 raffle; tickets to be sold at the door and throughout function. Traci will provide table for ticket sales at door. Sharon to bring easels and linens. Book sponsorships disccussed. Some titles already acquired, other suggestions welcome, email titles by this Wednesday p.m. for inclusion in sponsorship. Angelique, Traci and Marion will work on display for Book Sponsorship and Photo Calendar Contest. Karen to organize desserts
Susie Martin Award:
Ballots cast for volunteer award. Susie to tabulate results and have plate engraved.
Thursday Grant Meeting a t Town Hall:
Marion will attend meeting with Mary Sell.
Summer Chinese Program:
Joe Desena has offered to donate the time (five hours/week) of a Middlebury College student who will be his intern this summer for a Chinese Lnguage Program. Student has initiated contact. Suggestions made to incorporate Chinese language learning into Summer Saturday programming and possibly into adult programming on Thursday evenings.
Turrell Grant:
Remaining funds to be used by June 1st. Maion to spend $130 on children's books; Traci will use $217 on teen literature; Eunice to be consulted regarding remaining funds for music programming before the end of school.
Friday Teen Night:
Angelique organizing Teen Night on May 14th. Sculpy jewelry, pizza nd a movie. Details to follow.
Summer Programming:
Drive-in movie suggested. More discussion to follow at next meeting.