Present: Susie Martin, Karen Waterworth,Traci Templeton, Sharon Mayer, Marion Abrams, Angelique Lee
Treasurer's Report:
Received $940.00 from Town of Pittsfield
Received $523.00 from Book Sale
Checking Account Total $7,431.79
Vonnage Checking Account $293.79
Ranney & Jutson CD's $1,000 each
Giorgetti CD $10,098.67
Volunteers are encouraged to sign up for shifts in October, plenty of openings available.
Eunice has organized Saturday morning music program with Susie Smollen on October 24th, Nove 14th & Dec 12th. Anticipated time, 11 am-noon.
Tracy present agenda for after school programming. Hopes to start the season with a Bat Presentation by the Woodland Conservatory on Oct 13th. Kelly O'Brien to organize a scavenger Hunt on Oct 20th. 30 pumpkins to be ordered for carving on Oct 27th. Creative Dramatization/ Emerging Theatre workshops on Nov 10th & 17th.
Sharon continues to work on Policies and Procedures.
Staff needed for Halloween Book Givaway at the Library.
Some books available, more may be purchased for givaway.
Sharon reports book sale was well organized.
Angeliquereports the "reading dog" will be available on Saturday 17th & 24th from 9:30- 10:30 , but that no one has yet to sign up.
Library volunteers will once again maintain a shelf of free books at the Pitt Stop; Angelique will refresh signage.
Angelique, Sharon & Marion volunteered for book buying mission. Most likely to Briggs & Carriage in Brandon and possibly Annie's Book Stop and Book King in Rutland. A trip to the book store in Hanover, NH was alos discussed. Purchases to include books for Halloween givaway, children's picture books, Easy Readers, Junior Fiction and Adult books.
All present reminded that a backlog of books to be catalogued exists and that at least a few could be done during each shift. The possibility of hiring someone to catalogue books discussed. Angelique will explore the possiblity of creating a template so that a computer, rather than the typewriter could be used in the process. discussed as a means to inventory the library's collection. Trustees/volunteers encouraged to review site and give feedback.
Upcoming events for library types:
Cayal on Nov 10th at Mid State Library in Berlin
Vt Library Trustees Conference on Oct 17th at VT Colleg of Fine Arts, Montpelier
Flyer needed to communicate Halloween Book Giveaway, After School and Saturday Programming and Policy regarding same.
Sharon enoucraged all present to think about f
Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024