Present: Marion Abrams, Eunice MacDonald-Rice, Sharon Mayer, Traci Templeton, Karen Waterworth, Erica Hurd Eunice presented Treasurer's report and will post online separately. Phone service discussed. Vonnage VOIP requires a hardwire connection v. wifi with router. Geek needed. Erica to contact friends Roy and Cheryl for assistance in making phone work. Possible purchases discussed. Eunice will investigate and purchase one to two pop up canopies, depending on price, and possibly a laminator for signage and craft projects, and perhaps a scanner as well. Marion to investigate purchase of a projector as Erica offered to donated a DVD/Blue Ray player. Book Sale at Bazaar on 9/28 anticipated. Karen noted intention to start organising books for sale. Volunteers will be needed for set up and shifts throughout day. Marion, Traaci and Sharon will have some time available for event. Traci approached regarding an after school program consisting of three sessions for mixed school age group.She agreed to consider themes and dates and will report back to board. Traci suggested possible program involving author/illustrator Mark Gonyea. She will investigate. Fundraiser ideas discussed-calendar, cookbook, dinner tied to cookbook. Marion suggested adult food/cooking program. Soup making met with tepid response. More enthusiasm expressed for cheese making. Marion to approach Becca from Sweet Georgia Peas. New book stamp & DVD sticker supplied by Marion. Erica mentioned forwarded request involving possible student intern. She will follow up
Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024