In attendance: Martha Beyersdorf, Coral Hawley, and Erica Hurd
Meeting had originally been cancelled and rescheduled to 8/8/17 at 3pm due to not enough members able to attend. Martha was able to join Erica and Coral to finalize the book list for the Clif grant and it was decided to proceed with the agenda. We voted to table treasurer’s report until Sept due to financial statements unavailable..
- EC Fiber - Has been activated. Martha cancelled Fairpoint. She is unsure of how the billing will be handled with town office.
- CLiF Grant - Coral whittled down the book list of 146 books to 140, the maximum requirement for the 105-125 to be received.. Erica will submit the list before Aug 30th.
- Movie License- We still have not received new certificate which expired 5/31/17. Erica called just before meeting began and is awaiting a response.
- Book Bags - We will have them for sale at the Bazaar. $18 empty or $25 full of books.
- Veteran’s Day Program - Erica will follow up with Susie Martin to see if any further contact was made with Roger Clark’s brother who would like to send some items to be displayed within the library. Whatever is sent will determine the direction of program. Otherwise we decided to table planning this event.
- Trustee position- Karen has stepped down as of 7/31 and we are searching for an individual to fill her position until town meeting in March.
- Term limits were officially changed in the library policy from 5 years to 3 years. Patty was made aware of the change for town meeting. We will be seeking two trustees in March a 1 year term to complete Karen’s term and a new 3 yr term candidate.
- We signed a new Resolution of Lodge form for Lake Sunapee bank to adjust check signers as Martha or Erica not both.
- The new Post Mistress is trying to reduce the number of bins in her office and has asked if mail pick up could occur more more frequent. We filled out a new key form, which is recommended to be done whenever there is a change in board members. We decided to have Martha be the primary key holder and purchase a second key for lock box so all board members can aid in the mail pickup duty.
Adjourn - 4:20pm