Meeting Minutes 4/7/11
-attending Marion, Sharon, Eunice, Traci
-Treasurer in transition, reports account holdings same as last month
Old Business:
-Lengthy discussion of fund-raising dinner. Sharon looked into Pizza Oven on site catering. It was decided it was a costly option. Suggested Pig Roast at Clear. Moving forward with this. Sharon will talk to Jason... and look into roasting options. Traci will talk to Bow Thayer for music. Suggested date Sunday July 17th. Fundraising idea of ceramic piggy banks to be painted by locals for auction.
-Storage of Books- Traci will once again remember to look into pricing and storage for books
-Marion did a great job updating duties, procedures, and contacts. Discussion of continuity in how we communicate because of shifts and times varied between volunteers. Decided on Library Blog- Marion to set up.
-Sharon looking into library loan procedures, will update.
New Business:
-Game night had nine adults and 8 kids. All had fun. Beautiful night out, kids played on playground. Slate game night next year a little earlier in mud season.
-A call for grants for town building project, board members will look into.
-Marion and Eunice to bank on Monday for treasury business
-Traci opened discussion for Bike Rodeo to be held the Memorial Day Weekend. She has been in touch with Jenny Nixon Carter- Rutland Area Physical Activity Coalition to put a hold on ‘bike box’. A lot of leg work involved in project. Eunice to talk to Jason Hayden. Marion to talk to Historical Society and the Betty’s. Traci to talk to George with road commission, possible parking situations, volunteers in general.