Trustee Meeting - In-person 6/15/21 at 5:35PM
Present: Cynthia Bryant, Amanda Barrett, Elizabeth (Betty) Warner,
Call meeting to order: 7:09 pm
Correspondence overviews.
Approval of Minutes
- Betty motioned to approve, Cynthia seconded; motion carried
- May 2021. Amanda motioned to approve, Erica seconded; motion carried.
- Action Item: Printer expense modification: request to move expense category to capital expenses.
- Highlight reel: $100 donation,
- Action Item: Add book club book to KOHA to be able to track better. Send thank you for your donation.
- Action Item: Questions to email SB library to better understand needs. Confirm Corals availability for Monday 6/28 or Tuesday 6/29- Ar
- Action Item: Facebook posts, trying out new ideas - Ariel
- Action Item: One sandwich board with oversized wheels - Ariel
- Action Item: Wifi printing - Betty will complete when new WIFI is in. Policy on printing will follow for the next board meeting.
- Book Club: Action Item: Michelene will take the lead or a bit. Ariel will collbaroate Michelene.
- Framed Donation - Erica shared, will take a picture and post a thank you on Facebook.
New News
- Baby/Story Time Action Item: discuss at next item
Other Lawful Business-none
Next Regular Meeting, July 20th 5:30-6:30.
Betty moved to adjourn at 7:25pm; Coral seconded; meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett, Trustee Secretary