Meeting Minutes
Thursday Frbruary 4, 2010
Present: Susie Martin, Marion Abrrams, Sharon Mayer, Traci Templeton, Karen Waterworth and Angelique Lee
Treasurer's Report:
Expeditures: Books 155.47
Supplies 150.41
Postage 3.52
Assets: Checking 5,329.73 (includes T Grant 1,257.44)
Vonage 196.50
Raney CD 1,028.38
Jutson CD 1,000.00
Giorgetti CD10,098.67
Cash 5.00
#1. Angelique proposes and presents information regarding calendar fundraiser. The public will be invited to submit 8x10 photos taken in Pittsfield for inclusionin 2011 calendar. Publicity and selection details to be determined at later date. Marion will provide example of appropriate release form. Angelique and Traci to explore possible print options.
#2. Spring Fundraiser discussed. Substantial appetizer and desserts at the Clear River Tavern suggested. Rather than a silent auction, calender sale and possible book sponsorship favored. Sharon offers to check out possible dates in April and menu choices.
#3. Traci will spearhead Spring After School Program with tentative start date of March 9th. Suggested topics/themes: VINS Presentation, Survival Program, Dance, Music with Mike McGinn, Celebration of Shel Siverstein Poetry. Angelique will look into VINS programming, MArion will contact Mike McGinn.
#4. Informal Meeting slated for Tuesday February 9th to follow up on After School Programming and Fundraiser details.
#5. Recent donations noted. $468.00 from the General Store. The purchase of "Stones to Schools" and copies of The New York Times Book Review from Jane Roberts. A Mr. Alexander called to offer RCML a copy of a Ernest Lawson painting of Pittsfield. Karen will follow up with phone call.
#6. Concerns raised about the library's status in regards to possible future construction or renovation of town building. Motion made to request that Select Board refer to proposed project as one that will house the Town Clerk's Office as well as the Roger Clark Memeorial Library. Marion will draft a letter. Trustees to request that RCML be added to the agenda at next Select Board Meeting , February 16th. Karen to notify town clerk. Library supporters are encouraged to attend meeting to express support for the library.
#7. Volunteers encouraged to sign up for Feb
Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024