Roger Clark Memorial Library
Pittsfield, Vermont Meeting Minutes 2/4/09
Present: Susie Martin,
Sharon Mayer, Marion Abrams, Karen Waterworth, Angelique Lee, Traci Templeton
Treasurer's Report:
Regular Checking: - 69.02 supplies 1/ -19.33
AEF Memorial Savings Account: +23.55 cash - 42.00 box rent - 113.72 reissued check $212.26 ending balance $666.16 ending balance + 25.00 donation
Ranney CD $1,000.00 $ 2,629.17 ending balance
Sharon reported on tentative arrangements to hold fundraising community dinner at Clear River Tavern on Wednesday, April 1,2009 proposed capacity of 60 people
proposed price $18.00 adults/$8.00 children
appetizers at 6:00 followed by buffet dinner with choice of Liberty Hill chicken or flank steak
volunteers to provide desserts
reservations to be made via email or by phone to library; payment in advance, checks payable to RCML
Angelique to create posters
Marion to provide press releases
Karen to proceed with Game Night/Pot Luck on Friday February 4th, 5-8. will request donation of paper goods form Price Chopper
set up Town Hall for games and players on Friday afternoon
authorized to recruit childcare with compensation
Traci reported that after school programming is ready to commence on Feburary 24th 3:30-5:oo
Guest presenters and activities arranged
Participation open from K-6th
Topics can be viewed on library web site
Traci or individual presenters will get supplies and be reimbursed
Angelique to create posters
Marion to do press releases
Kid's program policy report by Angelique presented public library children policies used by Stowe & Sherburne
eventual crafting of policy discussed
decsion made to to write an open letter to parents outlining expectations of participants and volunteer presenters of kid's programming
Karen volunteers to write rough draft for review
Big Read Farenheit 451 participation discussed RCML expects to receive 10 copies
possible screening of 1966 film
opportunity to encourage readership at benefit dinner
book burning bonfire?, unlikely
possible book discussion over some kind of bonfire desired
Library cards/ procedures discussion re: need to use numbers only (no names) to comply with state law
Sharon suggests a a list of numerical card holders names to allow for sending notices re: overdue books
Karen and Sharon plan to attend town meeting equpped to issue library cards
Various possible fundraisers discussed anticipated donation of sculpture by Julian to be raffled off at benefit dinner or Bazaar Book Sale
possible silent auction or raffle at benefit dinner
Traci suggested 50/50 on putting green at Green Mountain National Golf Course
enthusiasm of attendees mixed
Submitted by Karen Waterworth
Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024