fy17_library_financials_-_feb.pdf |
Present: Erica Hurd, Marion Abrams, Betty Warner, Karen Waterworth
Meeting called to order. Minutes of last meeting accepted. Treasurer's reviewed and accepted. Ending balance of Lake Sunapee Bank Checking-$9544.40 Book folding program investigated by Martha who reported via aemail that Luciana Frigerio would be happy to do a 3 hr workshop but was not available until early September. A 3 hour workshop would cost $150. ATM card reportedly ordered. Surveys for town meeting ready with informational bookmarks for Universal Classes and Listen Up Vermont. Vacum delivered. meeting time change added to website. Format for library card reviewed and approved for printing. Martha still investigating canvas bags with Library Logo. Nominations for open trustee slots at upcoming town meeting discussed. Coral and Betty to be nominated for open positions. Decision made to show Secret Life of Pets Friday< March 10th, 6 pm, with pizza. Weebly password updated. Marion offeres to approach Select Board regarding possibility of sharing future internet access with Town Office via EC Fiber. Purchase of books for Summer Reading Program to be undertaken by Erica. Meeting adjourned, |
Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024