Trustee Meeting - 3-15-22 in person, remote option available.
Present: Cynthia Bryant, Elizabeth (Betty) Warner, Coral Hawley, Amanda Barrett, Diane
Call meeting to order: 6:03
Changes to agenda, add executive session at end of meeting. Cynthia motioned to approve, Betty seconded; motion carried
Approval of February 2022 Treasurer's report and February 2022 Meeting Minutes
- Accepted by Consent
Librarian Report/Update/Requests
- Window treatments - decision made not to move forward.
- Windows, seek input on windows opening properly.
New News
- Programming March and April: Kids program take and make. VT Humanities for one month. March seedswap (Diane organize and initiates) collaborates on the end with Amanda for a potential plant swap fundraiser.
- Space redesign: Childbook bins- use as is. Corkboard - Amanda will purchase. Paint Color for Wall- be determined, Coral forwarded two quotes to select board - Library $1800 -one coat plus one more would be extra, $2600 for backroom and stairway. Floor - Coral forwarded quotes to select board. Joyce will bring it to the next select board meeting. He does have time in April. Corey could squeeze the floor in possibly.
- Work meeting, to be continued.
- Grant purchasing, Betty will move forward with the purchasing.
- Betty motioned to start Executive session; Coral seconded. Executive Session started at 6:43 p.m. Ended at 7:12 p.m. Betty motioned coral seconded.
Next Meeting:4/19/22 at 5:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett, Board Secretary