Trustee Meeting -6/20/23 in person, 1 remote attendee
Present: Cynthia Bryant (remote), Amanda Barrett, Elizabeth (Betty) Warner, Diane Deutsch, Kim Barber, Micheline Bissell (guest).
Call meeting to order: 5:37
Approval of May 2023 Treasurer's report and May 2023 Meeting notes
- Accepted by Consent
Librarian Report/Update/Requests
- Cork board mounting status. Action Item: Amanda to obtain velcro strips and hang before August 1st.
- Librarian desk chair conversation. Action item: Diane to go to staples and or try downstairs chair and order a chair along with floor mat. Betty motioned to approve $300 total, and Kim seconded; motion carried.
- Redesign completion is nearing. Closet and historical display will be determined after the LDR exhibit.
- Metal Chairs will be moved downstairs by board.
- Ron Thompson donated time, token of thanks? Cynthia suggested $50 gift card using rewards. Amanda motioned to approve, Betty seconded; motion carried.
- HUD grant status, no action needed until September. Betty will provide update as needed.
- Palace, expanded offering through Libby. Betty is working on obtaining more information.
- Inventory collection clean up continues
- Book collection has been focused on patron requests and listserv top check outs.
- Little tagline, find a word that describes little but room for growth. Discussed rebranding. Action Item: Cindy will follow up with a potential budget.
- End of year tasks. Confirm DVD player status then purchase books to complete the budget cycle.
Meeting adjourned: 6:42 p.m.
Next Meeting: 7/18/23 at 5:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett, Board Secretary