Meeting Minutes September 2, 2010
Present: Marion Abrams, Susie Martin, Sharon Mayer, Traci Templeton, Karen Waterworth, Angelique Lee
Treasurer's Report
Regular Checking Balance $4869.27
Books $16.95
Postage $2.63
Transferto Vonage Account $250.00
Town $940.00
Donation $7.00
Vonage Account Balance $269.13
Giorgetti CD $10,098.67
Ranney CD $1028.38
Jutson CD $1000.00
All present encouraged to sign up for shifts.
Volunteer recruiment suggested at upcoming event on September 10th and at Bazaar Book Sale with training session planned for October 7th, 5:30-6:30. Traci and Sharon offer to supply cupcakes.
Sharon will purchase easel for library use.
Marion will arrange to purchase pizza from Picarillo's for September 10th event.
Susie and Sharon volunteer to be present in the library during the Doug & Kelly Lewis event on Sept. 10th. Traci will provide back up.
Marion will purchase lemonaid mix while Traci will supply ice and cooler jug, maybe watermelon for Sept. 10th event.
Sharon will look into obtaining banner with RCML logo from Killington Sign Shop.
Angelique to manage e-mail push for photo contest submissions by the 10th.
Regarding library in transition during building renovation:
Karen will call Alvina re: possible placement of small collection in post office while library close; Transfer Station re: recyling unwanted books; hrift shops re: book donations.
Marion will sak school art teachers if they want books or magazines for art projects.
Karen will contact clubs at WUHS re: possible assist with packing and moving books in return for donation.
Traci will ask Tim Pins if he has space he'd like to donate or lease for book storage during building renovation.
Regarding Bazaar Book Sale on Sept 25th:
Susie will stake out territory on the green on Thursday evening.
Sharon and Karen will be available throughout the day on September 25th.
Sorting of books to take place over next few weeks as time becomes available.
Volunteers will be needed to move books from library to conopied site for book sale.
Volunteers will be needed to load unsold books into truck for disposal/disbursement.
Traci and Angelique will manage photo contest display for judging on day of Bazaar.
Facebook is an ongoing project to be refibned by Sharon & Angelique.
Angelique offers to research grants suggested by Henry Hotchkiss and the Best Small Library Program with input from Traci and Marion.
Halloween PUmpking Carving Program is on, to be discussed at next meeting.
Submitted by Karen Wwaterworth
Present - Marion Abrams, Sharon Mayer, Susie Martin, Angelique Lee
Treasurer's Report: Distributions Equip $137.24 Events $250.00 (Movie Night) Misc. $121.16 Supplies $2.25 Receipts Vonage Account $44.87 Giorgetti CD $10,098.67 Ranney CD $1028.38 Jutson CD (7-10) $1000.00 (INT $13.76) Movie Night: Rated a success! Let's do it again. Turnout may have been low due to rain, also was high in spite of rain. 1 person needs to own the event (any event). Chinese Program: Did not work out as had been envisioned. Expectations for intern were different than what the intern was willing to commit to. Doug & Kelly Lewis: Have volunteered to run a program very similar to the one they did last year. Last year's was very well attended. Date is Sept. 10th. Library will provide a pizza dinner, Doug and Kelly have some new ideas from their summer programs to bring to this. Library Moving: Storage ideas needed. Marion will email the library list to ask for ideas. Where can the library still have a presence in town? Fall Programming: Will not be provided this year due to uncertainty of library space and directing energy towaards packing, book sale and storage issues. Halloween Book Give-Away: Yes, we will find space to do it, maybe gazebo? Hot cider? Book Sale: Create a flier detailing library transition, find someone with a truck to take leftovers to recycling center, reinstitute books at Pitt-Stop. |
Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024