Present: Marion Abrams, Eunice MacDonald-Rice, Sharon Mayer, Karen Waterworth
Treasurer's Report: Mascoma savings Bank, Regular Checking Beginning Balance $3,328.14 Giorgetti CD $10,318.14 No receipts or expenditures Ending Balance $13,646.38 Mascoma Savings Bank, Special Checking Beginning Balance $252.31 Expenses $28.17 Ending Balance $224.14 Zilpah Ranney CD #5402137 Beginning Balance $1,046.57 Interest .97 Ending Balance $1,047.54 Ruth P. Jutson CD #575534 Beginning Balance $1,022.46 Interest 2.05 Ending Balance $1,024.51 Marion reports remainder of library raised money for Irene Disaster Relief to be handed over to Pittsfield Hurricane Relief Fund administered by Howard Gunter. Marion plans to contact Erica Hurd for referral to Super Shopper Sheryl who may be of some assistance with purchase of new computers. Marion has also asked Erica to approach Fairpoint re: possible donation of Internet Access. Marion also to send out pleas for assist with minor carpentry projects needed to reopen library. Sharon reports 130 children and 70 adults visited library during Halloween Trick or Treat Book Giveaway. Books and cider were happily received. Marion reports suggestion made by Patty Haskins that Town Office and RCML host a joint open house when library reopens. projected reopening is hoped to occur in the first week of December, but an enormous amount of work remains to be done. Angelique Lee will be asked if she would like to once again organize the Holiday Gingerbread House Project. Marion suggests purchase of projector while Sharon noted that a new signboard and letters may be needed. Election Day, Tuesday, November 6 the library will be open for the return of hoarded books from 3-6pm. Marion, Karen and Eunice to take hourly shifts. Karen to purchase sliders and brackets
Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024