Roger Clark Memorial Library
Trustee Meeting in the Library
Meeting was called to order at 3:12 pm. Erica Hurd, Amanda Barrett, Cynthia Bryant, Coral Hawley, and Betty Warner in attendance.
- Treasurer report to occur next meeting due to late arrival
- Ideas for more community inclusion: Extending space offering of the library to various town meetings/events. Offering snacks etc. Offer use of space for the historical society for September 17th. Erica will reach out appropriately and notify if of interest.
- Book Club:
- August Book Club: Discussed Cane River
- Brainstorming event that followed after book club with Jane from Killington Library was beneficial.
- Next steps: Betty to reach out to Jane for follow up on potential collaboration for fundraising
- Next steps: Betty to reach out to Jane for follow up on potential collaboration for fundraising
- Meet bi-monthly, Oct, Dec, Feb, April, June, August on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6 pm. Books will pre-determined
- October book: A Piece of the World: A Novel
- December: Mr. Dickens and his Carol
- Betty will get list of book club books from Killington Library
- Amanda to do: Make poster for picnic about book club
- October book: A Piece of the World: A Novel
- August Book Club: Discussed Cane River
- Programming for next year – separate meeting
- Vermont Humanities Council. Event 4th Thursday of the month. Tentative for Roger Clark Library 1/24/19 location TBD. There will a promotional effort. To do: Betty to provide more information
- Pittsfield Picnic and Passport return: August 26th 2-4 Betty will cover the library.
- Roger Clark medals: Erica is networking to obtain information to get wrap up this project
- Summer Reading program: Week 1 – 11 participants, Week 2 – 3 participants, Week 3 – 8 participants, Last Week – 1 participant. Average of 5-6 kids per week.
- To do: 2019 need new people to organize and run
- To do: 2019 need new people to organize and run
- Discussed possible change of library space layout
- Each member to go to another library and look at layout, furnishings as well as adult and children areas. Suggestions: Hancock library
- Coral: Ask Melanie to see if she would look at space
- Each member to go to another library and look at layout, furnishings as well as adult and children areas. Suggestions: Hancock library
- Fall programming:
- Heather working on fall program. Consider a chair yoga adult program.
- The Artist way: Third Wednesday of the month. Monthly discussion to foster creativity. This would start in September 20th 6-8
- To Dos: Betty to forward more information and AB to do poster to promote during town picnic
- To Dos: Betty to forward more information and AB to do poster to promote during town picnic
- Bazaar: September 29th. Two tents. AB can help in am, rest of committee available all day.
- Heather working on fall program. Consider a chair yoga adult program.
- Reviewed library emails
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett