Marion Abrams, Erica Hurd, Sharon Mayer and Eunice MacDonald-Rice
- Financial Report: Attached. Two bank accounts will be combined into one by the end of September
- Trustee needed: We need to fill the vacant trustee position. Erica will follow through with a prospective candidate
- Pittsfield Bazaar and Library Book Sale: September 26th, 10:00 start. Marion will put out a call for 9:15 am set up help. All book sorting will take place on the morning of the event during set up. Eunice & Erica will both be available a small amount, Marion may be available (with helpers), Sharon is unavailable. Erica is in charge of purchasing a 10 x 10 canopy tent for the library. Need someone to stake out the space the day before. Marion will create a flyer to be handed out at the Bazaar detailing our upcoming programming which may include some of the following:
- Stargazing with Mark Breen (Erica to pursue contact) date and time at the suggestion of the presenter.
- Putting Your Garden to Bed with Charlie Nardozzi (Marion to pursue contact). A Sunday afternoon preferred.
- N/A Sip and Paint (Fall Themed) with Traci Templeton. At the library, no alcohol. Cider (hot and/or cold) pumpkin muffins, cheese, etc. No discussion of date or time as of yet.
- The library will once again give away books for Halloween. Saturday, Oct. 31st 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Sharon will be Library Witch, any other volunteers? Marion will make the trip to Montpelier to get our free children's books and some for the give away. We need to check what we have left from last year and see where we need to fill in.
- Shelving: Need to replace or repair shelving for Junior Non-Fiction.
- Demco order: Sharon will order supplies (colored labels).
- Book Shopping: Trustees have approved a budget of $200.00 for Magic Tree House Books and Fast Trackers Companion Books

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