Treasurer's Report: Eunice will have a report ready for the next meeting.
Purchasing: Needs are - Phone, Coat Tree or Rack, Wheeled Cart, Step Stool, Open Flag, New Tent? Marion will call Susie
Martin to see what items may still be stored at ther house - maybe phone and vonage box?
Open House for New Library Space: discussed doing a Spring Cookout, Potluck BBQ as an opening event, Kick off the Summer Reading Program and introduce people to the new library space by doing some sort of door prize that requires them to go into the library. This effort will be headed by Erica Hurd along with Heather and Claire and take place prio to the end of the school year,
Bike Rodeo: Disucssed whether or not Traci would want to take this one on again as it was a very well attended event. It may conflict with Fishing Derby.
Donation Received: A check for $50. from Dot and Don Gray with a nice thank you for all the library does for the town,
Training: Becca Rubens approached Marion about a number of high school students in need of community service hours and having them take on some of the cataloging tasks, with a training day, perhaps coordianted by Becca.
Ann Taylor led a training session for all present to check out the new software.
Adult Programming: One program for each month June through September - each person present to ask somebody they think might like to coordinate this.
Teen Programming: Dana Decker has said she would spearhead this.
Donations: Expecting a donation of books from Littlehales.
Banking: Trusteees voted to move the bank to one with a branch in Rutland as the treasurer cannot make it to Bethel to do the banking.