Meeting Minutes
Meeting attended by: Suzie, Traci , Marion, Sharon, Angelique, Nancy
Treasurers Report:
Reg. Checking 5189.29
Spent: Supplies 19.00
P.R. 12.00
Events 129.98
Book Sale made 406.00
Ranney CD 1028.38
Jutson CD 1000.00
Georgette CD 10,230.54
Vonage 243.39
Building Project: Thank you Suzie! for attending Selectboard meeting.
She reports the Lula (handicap elevator) is looking like a go ahead, placement of Lula discussed. Suzie informed attendees of beams, window, insulation, etc. Looks like project won’t start until Spring. Thank you to PFC for offer of housing small library while project is underway- revisit Spring.
Book Sale: Sharon reports book sale was GREAT! Left over books put on porch- moving well.
Discussion of putting more books out for Columbus Day weekend- signage needed.
Clif Conference: Attended by Sharon and Angelique. Informative, good leads on where to send old books, good problem solving with like-minded people of small libraries.
Photo Contest: GREAT job Angelique. Angelique reported 175 people voted. Still waiting on digital info from some winners. Angelique will have sample by Halloween.
Blurbs of Photo Contest/Book sale for Web page needed.
Halloween: Sharon will be the library witch this year. She will giving out books, casting spells for new volunteers, etc. Sharon/Marion to pick up more books for give away.
Work day scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 7th 10am-1pm