Pittsfield Vermont
Meeting Minutes 11/5/09
Treasurers Report:
Checking Balance: $6072.71
Vonage (½.com) : $265.55
Ranney and Jutson CD’s: $1000.00 each
Georgetti CD: $10,098.67
Old Business
Sign up for shifts if you already haven’t
After School Program- lengthy discussion of need for more volunteers to help Traci facilitate the program more effectively. Marion to put email out for parent support.
Policy and Procedure- Discussion of running the After school Program differently in the future as far as sign up and contacts are concerned. Sharon still working on Policy.
Halloween- Consensus of 86 trick or treaters for the night. Traci reports it was a great success and a lot of great comments were made about the library , it’s new books, and programs.
Book Purchases- Marion bought new picture books and early readers at Boxcar & Caboose and Sharon and Angelique visited Misty Valley Books in Chester for their latest purchase of adult and young adult books. Misty Valley also donated books for the Halloween give away. Thank you note to them.
Book give away shelf- Angelique still working on signs.
Reading dog program- All spots were filled. Will do another program if the interest is there. Thank you note to Joanne McDonnell
New Business
Internet/Phone connection- Thank you to Sean Lee for getting RCML up and running.
Work was finished while meeting was being held. Library now has phone and internet.
Work Day- scheduled for November 15. Discussion of job priorities.
Library Space – In depth discussion for the future space for the library with regards to the new town office plans etc... What is our position? How do we move forward? Letter?