Present: Marion, Traci, Sharon, Karen, Angelique, Amanda
Building renovation and plans discussed. Angelique raised concerns regarding number, placement and adequacy of electrical outlets as well as space devoted to closet on southwest corner. Marion volunteered to address issue with architect.. Further discussion of space led to suggestion to check out Warren Library for use of movable shelving system.
Summer fundraising event discussed. Barbeque at the Clear River Tavern slated for Sunday August 28th, 3-6 p.m. Tentative price, $18 for adults and & $8 for children. Menu and entertainment possibliities discussed. Sharon will follow up on food choices with Jason. Desserts to be provided by volunteers. Traci investigating entertainment. Suggestions welcome. Angelique will order a dozen ceramic pigs which will be given to local artists to decorate and then raffled off at fundraiser.
Trustees and volunteers encouraged to promote more book hoarding before books are packed for long term storage. All present decided to open library on Friday 7/22/11, 4-8 p.m. for a Last Chance evening of book hoarding and Ice Cream Social.
It was noted that that Henry Hotchkiss, Kim Robertson, Nancy Blessing, Margaret Conboy, Sharon Mayer and Susie Martin may have some space availableto store library books and gear.