Trustee Meeting -1/17/23 in person, 1 remote attendee available.
Present: Cynthia Bryant (remote), Amanda Barrett, Elizabeth (Betty) Warner,
Call meeting to order: 5:34
Approval of December Treasurer's report
- Accepted by Consent
Policy Review
- Book Donation Policy - reviewed and modifications needed. Will be presented at the next board meeting.
- Book Purchasing Policy - reviewed and modifications needed. Will be presented at the next board meeting.
Librarian Report/Update/Requests
- Vermont Humanity Event - Additional expense cost of $102.00 for a specific speaker.
- Bookbags - Diane's suggestion regarding a raffle is approved. Requesting start and end date of raffle.
New Business:
- 2023 Meeting schedule remains 3rd Tuesday at 5:30
- Board events - Halloween giveaway and Gingerbread event. All fundraising activities are the responsibility of the board with the exception of the library free will offering. The free will offering should be visible and accessible during library hours.
- Betty will followup with request for book donation from a local patron.
- Bookclub will be in the library every other month.
Meeting adjourned: 6:59 p.m.
Next Meeting: 2/21/23 at 5:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett, Board Secretary