Trustee Meeting -10/17/23 in person with 2 remote attendees available.
Present: Cynthia Bryant, Amanda Barrett, Elizabeth (Betty) Warner, Kim Harris, Michellene, Diane Duetch. Call meeting to order: 5:39 pm
Changes to agenda: Motion to move budget discussion to top of agenda and cover other if time allows. Betty, Coral 2nd.
Approval of September Treasurer's report and September Minutes
- Accepted by Consent
Librarian Report/Update/Requests
Motion to discuss request, amendment. Record. Motion: Withdraw all motions. Kim motioned to amend library hours Tuesday 10-5:30, Thursday 1-5:30, Saturday 10-2.30. Exception would be 3rd Tuesday 10-6 with adjustment. Start date:Tuesday, November 14th with end date of March 9th 2024. Betty seconded.
Old Business:
Policy updates in process - and consideration - tabled
Courier Business, three ILL occured. More information will follow and review process for improvement.
Hoopla implementation process, still pending. Action Items: circulation
Motion: Amanda motioned Hoopla usage policy: Betty and Amanda will meet and send email before end of day October 25th.
Silent Auction, AB will finalize. AB to mail a thank you.
Painting of bins, to be continued.
Remodel items,
Halloween, Betty and Kim running event. AManda to reach out to Jordan to determine placement.
Gingerbread - Date TBD
Cindys ask - capital improvement project.
Modifying November 2023 Board Meeting - 5:30
Retention policy - minutes are forever, purchase of a tote.
Motioned Cindy, Betty 2nded.
Meeting adjourned: 6:53 p.m.
Next Meeting: 11/14/23 at 5:30 pm
Respectfully submit
Amanda Barrett, Board Secretary