Trustee Meeting - 10/19/21 in person
Present: Cynthia Bryant, Elizabeth (Betty) Warner, Coral Hawley, Amanda Barrett
Call meeting to order: 5:42 pm
Agenda Changes: Due to time constraints and deadlines the suggested agenda is: Approval of September 2021 minutes, Executive Session, Library Budget discussion and approval. If time allows other standard agenda items.
- Amanda motioned to approve, Betty seconded; motion carried
Approval of September 2021 Minutes
- Coral motioned to approve, Betty seconded; motion carried
Executive session 5:49 pm- 6:07 pm
New News:
- Budget Discussion: Discussed drafted 1/1/22-6/30/22 and 7/1/22-6/30/22 standard budget and capital expense budget.
- Action Item: Cindy will update the requested budget sheet based on decisions made.
- Action Item: Request date to present standard budgets and capital expense budget. When the meeting date is determined: Cindy, Betty and Amanda will be present to answer any questions and provide additional information if needed.
Librarian Report
- Presented, will be reviewed during November meeting
Old News
- Used Picture Bins - Pickup delayed due to the seller (another library) not receiving replacement items as expected.
- Action Item: Payment will be made to the library as a motion of good faith. The check has been cut and will need to be mailed.
New News
- Halloween Book Give away: Books are ordered and will arrive before the event on Sunday, October 31st 5-7 pm.
- Gingerbread House: Amanda will take the lead.
Other Lawful Business-none
Next Regular Meeting, November 16th at 5:30
Betty moved to adjourn at 8 pm; Coral seconded; meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett, Board Secretary