Call meeting to order 3:08pm
In attendance: Coral, Betty, Erica and Cynthia
Approve Minutes from last meeting - Done
Treasurer’s report - Bazaar, Accts - Cynthia presented Sept and year to date. We have $1500 left in the budget to exhaust. Erica gave Cynthia original documents to make copies of SS4, EIN#, Trade name to help with opening future accts.
- Bazaar - We observed that there seemed to be less information about Bazaar and church supper publicized. We received questions about when it started end etc. We talked about how to assist Women’s Alliance with Bazaar next year. Erica’s husband brought truckload of books to Bethel take it or leave it. Book sales brought in $316, no bags were sold. Talked about reevaluating how we price books in the future. We decided to set up a year round book sale in the hallway and to purchase three sets of additional shelving like the ones donated to help consolidate current storage of books and supplies out back.
- Budget Presentation to Selectboard & Board- Erica spoke with Select person Ann Keundig. She said budgets will be presented in November. She also added that the selectboard would also like to see capital projections of 5,10 & 15 years. Cynthia express the importance of her assistance with this process and will connect with Amanda. Betty shared copies of her early drafted documents, proposal, librarian responsibilities to be reviewed and adjusted for meeting with Selectboard.
- Halloween - Betty going to Barre on Wed. to pick up 35-40 books and plan a book shopping with Erica for additional BB, P and JF. Coral dropped off letters to homes around the green. Erica put out drop boxes the library and KES. Dates for final drop at the library will be Thurs 10/25, school may collect till Fri 10/26. Cynthia will be the witch. Erica will ensure we have pods of cocoa and cider for the Keurig and she brought a bag of candy.
- Book club - Two attendees. Coral will try to publicise more to increase attendance. She created a list on Google doc of all the Book Club titles being presented for the coming year. We discussed having Amanda continue to do posters for two upcoming books at a time. Erica waiting for two more copies of A Piece of the World to come back and she will bring back and pick up Mr Dicken’s Carol.
- Roger Clark Medals - Erica brought additional medals to Quest Frame and made 50% payment. Project should be completed by the end of October. Talked about not doing a Veteran’s Day program and just promote Roger’s Wall and books available. Erica will reach out to Roger’s family to share info.
- Historical Society Meeting - Erica thought it went well. She will attend Oct meeting to encourage the organization to feel free to continue having meetings anytime and throughout the year instead of Apr-Oct.
- Modified Interlibrary loan- Amanda suggested project. Tabled
- Koha - Betty said she will research whether a new barcode printer would be needed to be purchased and other details about using the system.
- Schedule programming meeting - Programming discussions will occur at each monthly meeting. We confirmed Jan 24th for VT Humanities program and Annabelle’s movie premier on Nov 1st and we will plan a kids movie night.
- Wander on Words program - Colleen responded to Erica’s request for her to do a program. She could do a class any Wed or Thurs in Jan, offered dates 1/16 & 1/17 but maintained she has flexibility. Her fee is $50 a class. She presented two program ideas: Lettered Shape Design and Lettered Art. The first to teach about how to use a shape of your choice and fill it with the letters of your favorite quote and the second to teach how to create your own alphabet font and use that to write a favorite quote. The board unanimously agreed both classes would be great, and would like Fri Jan 11 and Feb 8. Erica would reach out about these dates dates.
- Pittsfield’s Picnic - Erica is looking to pass the torch she has held for 7 yrs and offered it to the library as a fundraising opportunity. The gathering has been a good fundraiser to raise money for renovating the basketball court and the project is almost done, so it is time for a change. Coral felt it may be challenging to take it on during that time of the year due to summer vacations. Erica pointed out that the library could host the horseshoe tournament or create a 5k, and that it could organically evolve into something new. Will table for now.
- Friends idea - Revisit.
- Work Day - will be part of our next meeting. Erica will reach out to Coral over the next two Tues to assemble shelving and get them in place.
- Budget appropriated funds/annual report - Betty presented approximate information about what it would cost to have a librarian for 14 hours as part of our budget proposal. Cynthia will connect with Amanda to work on details to present to the selectboard..
We discussed setting up a meeting with the Women’s Alliance to try to assist in offering help to expanding their presence, create collaborated efforts and publicity. One of their activities during the winter months is making baskets to bring to shut ins, we talked about adding a book to the basket, creating a time for children to assist with the baking of the goods for the basket and to raise more awareness about this community service and their scholarship. Coral will reach out to Deb Picarello.
Coral expressed her wish list space for kids to sit for story hour. We agreed to purchase 2-4 puzzle style foam mat sets to create these spaces. Cynthia will purchase.
Her friend Mel will come and provide feedback on her thoughts about how we can make the library more comfortable for adults to hang out and read. Coral would love to see self check out too.
Adjourn 4:50