Call meeting to order -6:40
In attendance:Erica, Maya, Cynthia, Amanda, Betty
Approve Minutes - Accepted Cynthia 1st, Betty 2nd
Treasurer’s report - Accepted Erica 1st, Amanda 2nd
Librarian’s report -Maya presented a report of what she has been up to and additional question, accepted.
October financials reviewed, discussion of funds from Town.
Lighting and Heat - Maya will reach out to Trish for resolution.
Roger Clark Medals update, delay in completion, will be ready after Veterans day.
Marketing: Advertising, whofish - recommended to check out. Maya will create flyer on updated hour and post at the Pittstop. Erica will ask Joyceabout a designated space for Library events, flyers etc.
Koha training on 10/29/19 was good, additional follow up will take place.
October Programs:
10/28/19 Adult: Author, Modern Magic Event, interesting event with 8 people attending.
10/31/19 Children: Halloween was extremely well attended = 134 people attended! Possibly due to stockbridge trunk or treat being postponed due to weather.
Upcoming Programs:
Adult: Yoga with Heather, flyer has been generated and posted.
11/16/19 Adult and Child: Storytelling, Music with Jerry Johnson
12/4/19 Adult: Bookclub 6:30 at the Clear River Tavern.
12/17/19 Child: Gingerbread house decoration 12/17 3-5 with Dana Decker organizing and running.
During December program will discuss January/February programing.
Adjourn - 8:00 p.m.