Trustee Meeting - 12/13/21 in person, remote option available.
Present: Cynthia Bryant, Elizabeth (Betty) Warner, Coral Hawley, Amanda Barrett, Diane
Call meeting to order: 5:33 pm
Changes to agenda, move item 4 between 6 and 7, one addition to old business.
- Amanda motioned to approve,Cynthia seconded; motion carried
Approval of November 2021 Minutes and November 2021 Treasurer's report
- Accepted by consent
Policy Review:
- Book Collection discard policy reviewed. Policy draft in Google Drive. Coral motioned to approve, Cindy seconded; motion carried
- Book Donations, Library is not accepting book donations.Coral motioned to approve, Cindy seconded; motion carried. Action Item: Betty draft written policy, and Diane post a notice on the drop box and library door.
Librarian Report/Update/Requests
- Possibility of books that are collectible and may have value. Discussed researching and posting on various selling platforms, group concensense to much time. Action item: Amanda will follow up with Bookmobile and other sources to see if of interest, then email the group with a response.
- The Old Sandwich Board is heavy and most letters are missing. Decision made to discard. Action Item: Cynthia will dispose of.
- Programming: Humanities Council events of interest for 2022 program. Action Item: Board members will review offerings and reply via email by 12/27 on items of interest.
- Newsletter will add online Humanities Council upcoming events to the newsletter starting in January. Action Item: Diane will email Betty for inclusion in the newsletter.
- Whiteboard on the easel outside of the door is heavy and not utilized. Will not be utilized unless needed. Action Item: Amanda will inquire with other town entities to gauge interest. Action Item: Coral will speak with Trish on placing a small cork tile right upon entry to advertise library events.
- Book purchases, end of year purchases were completed.
- All above entries were accepted by consent.
New News
- Rink Donation- PCC requested a $100 donation from the Library saving funds (fundraising dollars). Amanda motioned to approve; Betty seconded; motioned carried. Action Item: Cynthia will process.
- PCC in 2022 will no longer be a special project of the library for transparency and greater focus. Action Item: Betty will report back in early 2022 with an update.
- Library redesign. Need to pause until the Capital Fund is approved. Action Item: Betty follow up with Ellen in January after the Town budget meeting
- 2022 programing - 1,000 books before kindergarten. Diane is coordinating with a volunteer Kim Richert. Brainstormed briefly. Action item: Diane is coordinating with Kim Richert and will provide reports to the board monthly.
- Full Moon Hike - Action Item: Board volunteer(s) to organize and promote? Dates would be January 18th, February 16th, and March 18th
- February surprise event. Action Item: Betty will order hearts from a printer and Amanda will provide laminating sheets to Betty to experiment with durability.
Budget Review w/selectboard members Joyce and Ann.
- Special town meeting will be held January 11th 2022 for 1/1/22-6/30/22 budgets including capital fund requests. In March 2022, the standard town meeting will be held for the 7/1-6/30/22 budget.
- 2022 Operating Budget for 1/1/22-6/30/22 select board approved, pending town approval.
- 2022 Personnel Budget for Payroll: 1/1/22-6/30/22 select board advised would be $15,800, pending town approval. 7/1/22-6/30/22 $16,432 which accounts for a 4% COLA. We can request via an article a request to increase the 7/1/22-6/30/22 payroll amount to the amount requested in our original budget request.
Capital Improvement budget:
- Painting and flooring needs to come out of the town office building budget, not the library. Recommendation was to get an estimate from Corey and maybe one other person, and send to the select board for approval. Action Item: Coral will take this on.
- Foam carpeting and curtains need to come out of the daily operating budget or fundraising dollars if we decide to move forward.
- What will be presented as articles in March of 2022? Bookshelves and computers with a grand total of $3,000 being presented for 7/1/22-6/30/22 budget. The computer will be an article to approve in 2022, 2023, 2024 as a prorated item.
- Action Item: Cindy will save the final version of the budget to the google drive.
- Action Item: Coral will request Eric Lantigne look at the library overhead lights when other PCC inquires are made.
Next Meeting: 1/18/22 at 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett, Board Secretary