Call meeting to order 5:10
In attendance:Erica, Maya, Cynthia, Amanda, Coral
Approve Minutes - Accepted Betty 1st, Coral 2nd
Treasurer’s report - Accepted Erica 1st, Betty 2nd
Meeting change, board meeting 3rd Tuesday at 5 pm starting January 21st at 5 p.m.
Librarian Report and Approvals
Maya presented a report of what she has been up to and questions for clarification- accepted Erica 1st, Cindy 2nd. Approved subscription for Yankee Magazine and Cricket Magazine. Amazon book order approved up to $150. Maya will order both. Before next meeting board will draft a purchase policy with monthly budget amounts. Amanda will gather purchase policy from town and Cindy budget amounts.
Erica to do Marketing: Hour flyer posted at Pittstop, Erica will ask Joyce about a designated space for Library events, flyers etc. Hours sign, Odel will remove and Erica will bring to Killington to be redone. Erica will reach out for clarification on the women's alliance events
In preparation of Erica's departure from board: Betty to create recovery email address for password reset that anyone can access. Betty will sign off on Mayas hours i.e, order for town with Cindy being the back up. Discussion as a board on who will become chair to occur over the next couple of meetings.
December 2019 Program wrap up:
12/4/19 Adult: Bookclub 6:30 at the Clear River Tavern. Been well attended.
12/17/19 Child: Gingerbread house decoration 12/17 3-5 with Dana Decker organizing and running. Well attended with some new faces!
January Events:
Stockbridge PreK, came to decorate cookies and read stories.A way to introduce children to the library.
Yoga with Heather starts January 6th 5:30-6:30.Program has been well attended.
Job Search with Irene Tuesday 1/14, 6-8pm. One attendee. Decision made to reschedule for late spring.
February Events/Ideas:
2/12/19 Book Club at the clear.
Childs valentine craft event discussed. Erica will followup with Maya to see if she has ideas.
Heather Harvey Yoga series the board decided to extend Monday sessions into February.
Story time was discussed. Erica will followup with Maya for planning.
Future regular Events and Specials:
Art Jam
Tech support Saturday
Two Humanities Events
Viking/Fairytale festival: Do we want to participate?
Adjourn - 6:50 p.m.