Roger Clark Memorial Library
Trustee Meeting in the Library
Meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm. Erica Hurd, Amanda Barrett, Coral Hawley, Cynthia Bryant, Betty Warner in attendance.
- Approved January 2019 minutes
- Annual Town Report completed
- Wander on Words - went really well 8 in attendance. Patron request to offer again. Action item: create a poll on facebook if interest in another Wander on Words program.
- Marketing Poll: Cindy will initiate to ask questions about types of programs people may be interested in.
- 2019 Fundraiser: utilization of library space, creative avenue - explore details. Spring. Larger fall fundraising event during bazaar. TBD.
- Summer Reading Program - Posters put up. Requirement: manual viewed online - packet comes in March 2019 for access. One day a week, June to July. Read a book, activity, elaborate as it can be. Consider teen program? Betty will attempt to contact Sally Hayes.
- Book club - going to reschedule February to March 6th. Cindy to post. Have April books available.
- Interlibary loan - more information to follow
- Letter Editor - more information to follow
- Treasurer January 2019 was approved.
- Town Meeting: Present verbally have 3-4 outside of board share value of library etc. Plan on meeting town meeting day 9 am in the library
- VT Library grant writing program Betty attended. Geared towards a specific grant. Collaborative efforts are successful in obtaining grants.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett