Called the meeting to order: 3:05 pm with Betty, Coral, Erica in attendance
Approved Minutes from last meeting
Approved Treasurer’s report
- Librarian posting - No applications to review. Broadening outreach. Erica put sandwich board at the road, placed ad. in Mtn Times, forwarded info to Martha Slater @ Herald, contacted CCV and awaiting communication and will look into the Adult Learning Center to post.
- Bylaws - tabled.
- Summer Reading Program - Cynthia and Trish created program agenda with start date of Tues., June 18, 4-5pm.Erica forwarded info to KES and Stockbridge
- Interlibrary Loan - on hold till books are cataloged with KOHA. Discussed creating a policy for how patrons would order books once we are up and running.
- KOHA - Betty working on cataloging process and will reach out for help when in process is in place. She will also order library card labels.
- Book Club- Erica bring back books and get new books
- Artist’s Way-Wed 6/19/19
- Donation-Cynthia received $100 from Killington Women’s Club and suggested an Ice cream social 6/21. We felt we may not have time to pull it together and maybe use as a finale for the Summer Reading Program.
- Movie license- not discussed. Update - Erica completed contract on 6/4/19, which was due at the end of May, and Betty sent.
- Father’s Day Program - 6/14, 6pm Show Dad Some Sugar, VT Sugar Glider
- Work day- not discussed.
- Program Planning for 3rd quarter - No additional programs for August. Erica may have an artist to teach painting class in Sept/Oct.
- Betty looked into the benefits of selling books on Amazon (as a way to raise funds) and felt it was not profitable.
Adjourn 3:45 pm