Roger Clark Memorial Library
Trustee Meeting in the Library
Meeting was called to order at 2:45 pm. Erica Hurd, Amanda Barrett, Cynthia Bryant, Coral Hawley, and Betty Warner in attendance.
- Minutes from 6/12/18 accepted.
- Treasurer report: Reviewed March-June 2018 treasurer reports. Treasurer reports accepted. Reports will be uploaded to the drive at a future date. Amanda needs to initial two forms.
- To Do: Cynthia will review capital account
- To Do: Cynthia will review capital account
- CLIF: program is wrapped up
- To Do: Betty will write a card and forward thank you cards to appropriate party
- To Do: Betty will write a card and forward thank you cards to appropriate party
- PBS Great American read: Vote daily for a chance to win all 100 books and a library of choice could receive all books as well
- To do: Post on facebook and if possible vote daily!
- To do: Post on facebook and if possible vote daily!
- Pittsfield Passports: Kidpreneurs books at $6.95 each + free shipping.
- To Do: Cynthia will order 20 of these books
- To Do: Cynthia will order 20 of these books
- Book donations: Review books at home if possible. Should we have a guideline for book donations?
- To do: Betty will have a conversation with Killington Library to see if they have such a policy
- To do: Betty will have a conversation with Killington Library to see if they have such a policy
- Movie license going out this week in the mail
- VT Library Currier service: Amanda and Betty discussed. The price is less expensive for the remainder of this year but would have an estimated cost of $750-$900 annually.
- To do: Betty will check with Rochester and Killington Library about usage.
- To do: Betty will check with Rochester and Killington Library about usage.
- Email: Print and post folder. Keep utilizing.
- Passes: Echo pass was found
- To do: Take picture of all passes and post on facebook
- To do: Take picture of all passes and post on facebook
- Katie from the Mountain Times will interview before 5 pm today re: the Pittsfield Passport.
- Erica continues to work on obtaining necessary information for Roger Clark medals
- Summer reading program: Rasta day today
- Book Club meeting: 8/6/18 Book: Cane River. Jane from the Killington Library will be present to discuss Cane River and show historical photographs of plantations near Cane River.
- Vermont Humanities Council: Betty will be in discussion with both Rochester and Hancock Library to organize.
- Marketing: Use Facebook more for outreach but still use mail chimp
- Archived Newspapers via the State of Vermont: Great genealogy tool but it might be difficult to offer a class to the community. Great resource.
- Shelving: To be continued
- Work Day on 7/17 at 1 pm scheduled to organize books, in the future more advanced notice will occur. Part of next meeting on 8/14/18 will be a work meeting
- Email: Please file or delete the email when finished.
- Website: Rochester library website is much fresher, updated photos.
- To do: Betty will lead in exploring website options
- To do: Betty will lead in exploring website options
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett