Roger Clark Memorial Library
Trustee Meeting - Top Floor of Town Office Bldg.
9/10/19 @ 3:00 PM
Call meeting to order 3:20
In attendance: Betty, Coral, Cynthia, Erica
Approve Minutes Betty 1st, Cynthia 2nd
Treasurer’s report: Bar Harbor transfer made to Capital One. Erica 1st, Betty 2nd
- Librarian Candidate - Erica reached out to candidate finalist, Maya the week before our meeting to make a verbal offer, which was accepted. Erica created an offer letter for the board to review details and make changes. Erica will update letter, send to Board for final approval and then forward to Maya. Initial proposed start date is Sept 16th. New hours and days to be determined.
- Summer Reading Program - Erica asked Cynthia if she had received or filled out the evaluation the Vt Dept of Libraries. She had not and will follow up.
- Bazaar- Erica updated book sale finder post. Erica will put up the 10x20 tent, around 4pm, on Fri Sept 26th. We will set up at 8am the next am. Erica Cynthia and Coral will be in and out between 8-3pm. Erica Asked Betty if she could add Bazaar info to the website.
- KOHA - Betty working on procedures for training. Until complete jot down title and last 4 digits from new barcode sticker.
- Book Club - New book available. two Behold Dreamers books still out and a Hearts of men may still be out or need to be purchased.
- Air Conditioning - Tabled
- Roger Clark medals - Erica brought medals to Quest. They are working on reconfiguring the frames to include 4 new medals. They will call when ready.
- Halloween & Program - Thurs, Oct 31, 5-7pm. Cynthia will be purchasing books through Scholastics this year. She will look thru the box of books to figure out what age groups to fill in. Cynthia will also available to help as Library Witch. Erica will help at end of shift with clean up. Erica will update the 15 letters for community candy drop and share. Coral will distribute Oct 1. Erica presented a program for teens 16 and up and adults “The modern magic and witchcraft revival”. The date will be either Mon, Tues or Wed the week of Halloween. Erica will post program when date is finalized.
- Meeting Day/time change - Starting in October, Board meetings will now be on the 2nd Wed of the month at 6:30. Betty will update website
- Fall Programming - Oct meeting
- Historical Society Doll House - Susie Martin asked Erica at the last Historical Society Meeting if the library would be interested in displaying the doll house at the library. The board agreed it would make a nice addition to the bookshelves for kids to see.
- Bar Harbor checking account excess - See treasurer’s report.
- Halloween books (# by age group)- See Halloween
- Additional topic- Printer- Tricia Fryer donated a new printer to the library. Erica installed and we can now print from either computer. We discussed that any copies be paid for as a donation. Erica will need to purchase a cord because she borrowed one from home.