Roger Clark Memorial Library
Trustee Meeting in the Library
Meeting was called to order at 3:08 pm. Erica Hurd, Amanda Barrett, Cynthia Bryant, and Betty Warner in attendance.
- Minutes from August 2018 accepted.
- Treasurer report – Accepted August treasurer report. Voted to open a saving account to hold the town disbursement.
- To do: Upload past treasurer report, provide more detail on monthly reports using example on drive including the capital fund balance.
- To do: Upload past treasurer report, provide more detail on monthly reports using example on drive including the capital fund balance.
- Future agenda item: explore opening up a credit card account for higher return.
- Google Drive
- To Do: Amanda to do tutorial with Cynthia
- To Do: Amanda to do tutorial with Cynthia
- Bazaar: Erica to bring 10x20 tent to set up on 9/28 1:30-2. 8 am setup on 9/29/18.
- To do: bring tables and any crates. Entire Board will participate during the day. Erica will make sign for bags for sale.
- To do: bring tables and any crates. Entire Board will participate during the day. Erica will make sign for bags for sale.
- All about Pittsfield passport
- To do: Erica will reach out to middle schools for continued participation in All about Pittsfield passport
- To do: Erica will reach out to middle schools for continued participation in All about Pittsfield passport
- Book Club: October Book Club book is ready for pick up
- Adult Fall Yoga: Chair Yoga. 2nd Friday of October to do a six week series 10/12 for six weeks. 4:30-5:15 for 45 minutes.
- To do: Amanda to create flyer
- To do: Amanda to create flyer
- Vermont Humanities Council. Event 4th Thursday of the month. Location: Roger Clark Library 1/24/19 location RCML. There will a promotional effort.
- To do: Betty to select program and complete administrative requests.
- To do: Betty to select program and complete administrative requests.
- Library Budget:
- To do: meet independently Amanda, Betty, Erica. Goal of being task oriented, presenting to entire board and entities.
- To Do: Petition for article, create a video to present during March
- To do: meet independently Amanda, Betty, Erica. Goal of being task oriented, presenting to entire board and entities.
- Library Layout:
- To do: Create a committee to research and present to entire board for review
- To do: Create a committee to research and present to entire board for review
- Roger Clark Memorial Library Memorials – Erica is networking to obtain information to get wrap up project. When more information is available to it will be presented at that point.
- Historical Society will be meeting in the library space on 9/17/18 from 6:30-8. Betty to host and Erica will provide food.
- Halloween – letters in the drive –Boxes in the usual location plus the schools.
- To Do: Coral and/or Amanda to send letters to list on drive
- Future Agenda Item: Next meeting to discuss what the library would like to do on Halloween.
- To Do: Coral and/or Amanda to send letters to list on drive
- Internet: New router and secure wireless for library with public town access for patrons of the library.
- Interlibrary Loan: Rochester Library or Killington Library to let us piggy back on the courier service. Rochester would like us to pay $1 per book and has more structure. Killington would be free.
- Modified Interlibrary Loan: Obtain organizational membership for Rutland Free Library - $45 per year. Create a loan request form via paper and online.
- Voted to go forward with the Modified Interlibrary Loan
- To Do: AB to obtain Rutland Library Free library card, create a library interlibrary loan paper form and online form – capturing agreement to fees. How can we track this in existing system?
- Voted to go forward with the Modified Interlibrary Loan
- Library Database – Consider updating to a suite of Koha opens source free, they use at Rochester. Believe worthwhile – it’s professional. Mark Alexander would charge $500 annually includes hosting. If under $600 no 1099 is required.
- Voted to move forward with switching to Koha and services of Mark Alexander.
- Voted to move forward with switching to Koha and services of Mark Alexander.
- Programming planning for 2019
- To Do: separate meeting by board outside of normal board hours
- To Do: separate meeting by board outside of normal board hours
The meeting was adjourned at 4:37
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Barrett