RCML Minutes 11/4/10
Attending: Susie Martin, Marion Abrams, Sharon Mayer, Traci Templeton, Ann
Old Business
Halloween Update- Sharon said ‘great! Turnout for Halloween’, the library is a good meeting place for
Halloween. She mentioned it would be nice to have more than one volunteer running this program.
Calendar Update- Deadline November 15, 2010.
Kid’s Programming- Marion spoke with Saskia Groom about putting together a two part Theater
program for all ages. It was decided to pursue this after the holidays. Marion will be running The
Night before , The Night before xmas again this year. Discussion of a holiday program for the kids
in December was discussed; Marion will call around and also check with Angelique about doing the
Gingerbread houses again. (note: Confirmed Angelique will do gingerbread house program after school
on Wed, Dec.8th- sign up online/at library)
Yes to the park house ad
New Business
School board- Marion will email Chris about Key
Halloween – It was discussed that the Library be a drop off point next year for community donations of
candy, the candy will then be dispersed to the houses in town that get a lot of Halloween traffic.