Marion Abrams, Erica Hurd, Sharon Mayer, Eunice MacDonald-Rice, Mary JoCallaghan
- Mary Jo Callaghan, Gifford Woods Park Ranger, brought in the suggestion of a "story walk" organized and run by the park, asking local libraries to help promote. Marion took Mary Jo's contact info.
- Financial Report (below), vote was taken to cash in the Ruth Jutson CD when it comes due shortly.
- Marion to bring (10) cookbooks to General Store for them to sell for us.
- Vote taken to return library hours to the previous (prior to shutdown and move). Sharon will work on changes to sign, Marion will notify Karen regarding sign ups and sign up genius, as well as change website.
- Summer Reading Program - sign up 6/24, 6 weeks on Tuesdays. Erica and Heather will create a proposed budget.
- Fundraiser - contact at Riverside has left, need to re-confirm date Sunday, 10/19 and location with new employee(s) at Riverside, as well as Becca from Sweet Georgia P's.
- Check out procedure discussed. The decision was made NOT to change it at this time.
- Inter-library Loan discussed, it would need to be spear-headed by someone in order for us to be able to offer to our patrons. No takers at this time.
- Book clubs for a Teens and Adults discussed, Eunice May be interested in organizing.