Betty Warner called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm
Members in attendance: Betty Warner, Cynthia Bryant, Kim Barber, Micheline Bissell and librarian Diane Deutsch.
- No changes to the agenda
- Treasurer’s report
- Update: The bank updates are now completed.
- Cynthia requested approval(via email 5/22 8:40am) to transfer $1000 from checking to our interest bearing Capital One savings. Majority vote carried.
- Micheline will request an invoice from the KitKeeper program($40).
- Cynthia motioned to accept the treasurer’s report
- Betty seconded the motion
- Carried
- Betty seconded the motion
- Update: The bank updates are now completed.
- April’s BOD meeting minutes submitted by Micheline
- No changes to the minutes
- Cynthia moved to accept the minutes
- Betty seconded. Carried
- No changes to the minutes
- Library report was discussed
- Book Drop Box: The Select Board approved the library replacing the book drop box. Motion to purchase said item by Betty, seconded by Kim. Carried. Item will be ordered.
- The library will remain open during the monthly board(3rd Tuesday) meeting and the library will close one hour early on the following Thursday.
- Diane asked if RCML would like to promote the 2024 VT Reads book. Micheline suggested it be added to the Book Club list at some point during 2024 or 2025.
- Cynthia moved to accept the library report, Micheline seconded, Carried
- The BOD approved a firm commitment to the signing of the VTLIB Courier Service Agreement. Cynthia moved to accept, Micheline seconded. Carried
- Book Drop Box: The Select Board approved the library replacing the book drop box. Motion to purchase said item by Betty, seconded by Kim. Carried. Item will be ordered.
- Policy updates in progress regarding dogs in library.
- Betty reached out to AJ Ruben. He thinks having a policy stating no pets are allowed except service animals, with the exception for librarian-initiated events, is a good idea. No need for a sign unless and until there becomes a need. Motion to adopt the new policy by Betty, seconded by Kim. Carried.
- Betty reached out to AJ Ruben. He thinks having a policy stating no pets are allowed except service animals, with the exception for librarian-initiated events, is a good idea. No need for a sign unless and until there becomes a need. Motion to adopt the new policy by Betty, seconded by Kim. Carried.
- Roger Clark Memorabilia wall move discussion: All the items on the wall have a new home on other walls. Motion to approve moving RC items to the wall above the book shelves by Betty, seconded by Kim. Carried.
- Randolph Herald ordered by Diane.
- New Business
- Capital Improvement Planning(CIP), 10 year term. Items are to be large purchases and building projects. Tangible items that changes the look and feel of our space. Many ideas were documented (by Cynthia) and will be published in spreadsheet format. We used our 5 year plan (7/1/24-6/30/29) as our base and expanded upon it. As soon as it is finalized, it will be reviewed and discussed with TROC who has been hired by the select board to assist.
- Capital Improvement Planning(CIP), 10 year term. Items are to be large purchases and building projects. Tangible items that changes the look and feel of our space. Many ideas were documented (by Cynthia) and will be published in spreadsheet format. We used our 5 year plan (7/1/24-6/30/29) as our base and expanded upon it. As soon as it is finalized, it will be reviewed and discussed with TROC who has been hired by the select board to assist.
- Meeting was adjourned at 7:03pm
- Next meeting date and time: 6/18/2024 5:30pm
Respectfully submitted,
Micheline Bissell