Roger Clark Memorial Library Meeting Minutes – April 5th, 2009
Treasurer’s Report – Regular checking balance is $2267.49. balance $166.74.
Giorgetti CD $10,000.
Jutson CD $1000.
Ranney CD $1000.
AEF Award savings $666.42.
The community dinner at The Clear raised $2373 ($1024 from the auction, $1150 from food). Jason Evans donated all food for this event! Thank you notes will be sent to all who contributed and volunteered. Angelique won the drawing for free dinner for 2 next year. Suggestion for next time – 50/50 raffle.
Big Read - Fahrenheit 451- We’ll combine the movie screening with discussion, 1 night event. Sharon will do some PR with local book club(s). All 10 copies were checked out.
Listen Up VT – Nancy got MP3 players and instructions all ready to be checked out. One is already loaded with Fahrenheit 451! (You’ll need your own headphones.) Marion will put a link on our Web site and downloading instructions.
Summer picnics – Maybe hold the first one on Sherburne’s last day of school. We can try to get food donations from a local business. Roger at Green Mountain Grill is interested in helping in some way… Perhaps ice cream certificates for our reading program?
We have money to purchase books for adults. Sharon will work on this.
Special programs or speakers? Angelique will check into this. Willem Lange? Doug Lewis – program for moms?
Other ideas for purchases – large print books, another computer (need someone to research this!), and CD display.
Press release will be written RE: Giorgetti donation and the fundraising dinner at The Clear.
Begin thinking about summer programs, and bring ideas to next meeting. “Less will be more” this year.
Please sign up for shifts.
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Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
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