Treasurer's Report:
Equip $137.24
Events $250.00 (Movie Night)
Misc. $121.16
Supplies $2.25
Vonage Account $44.87
Giorgetti CD $10,098.67
Ranney CD $1028.38
Jutson CD (7-10) $1000.00 (INT $13.76)
Movie Night:
Rated a success! Let's do it again. Turnout may have been low due to rain, also was high in spite of rain. 1 person needs to own the event (any event).
Chinese Program:
Did not work out as had been envisioned. Expectations for intern were different than what the intern was willing to commit to.
Doug & Kelly Lewis:
Have volunteered to run a program very similar to the one they did last year. Last year's was very well attended. Date is Sept. 10th. Library will provide a pizza dinner, Doug and Kelly have some new ideas from their summer programs to bring to this.
Library Moving:
Storage ideas needed. Marion will email the library list to ask for ideas. Where can the library still have a presence in town?
Fall Programming:
Will not be provided this year due to uncertainty of library space and directing energy towaards packing, book sale and storage issues.
Halloween Book Give-Away:
Yes, we will find space to do it, maybe gazebo? Hot cider?
Book Sale:
Create a flier detailing library transition, find someone with a truck to take leftovers to recycling center, reinstitute books at Pitt-Stop.